A Medley of Potpourri: Plasticizer Serbia

  • A Medley of Potpourri: Plasticizer Serbia
  • A Medley of Potpourri: Plasticizer Serbia
  • A Medley of Potpourri: Plasticizer Serbia
  • What does fill a crystal bowl with potpourri mean?
  • “I filled a beautiful crystal bowl with potpourri, allowing the sweet fragrance to waft through the room.” A part or quantity that is left after the greater part has been used, removed, or destroyed Find more words! What is the opposite of potpourri?
  • What is a potpourri of things?
  • A potpourri of things is a collection of various items that were not originally intended to form a group. Potpourri is also defined as a mixture of dried petals and leaves from different flowers, used to make rooms smell pleasant. (Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary)
  • What is a synonym for potpourri?
  • Synonyms for potpourri include: an unorganized collection or mixture of various things. Examples: a potpourri of hit songs from the last 10 years. Synonyms: agglomerate, agglomeration, alphabet soup, assortment, botch.

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