best price Plasticizers Sodium Nitrate

  • best price Plasticizers Sodium Nitrate
  • best price Plasticizers Sodium Nitrate
  • best price Plasticizers Sodium Nitrate
  • What is sodium nitrate used for?
  • Thanks to its outstanding heat storage properties, sodium nitrate is ideal for solar thermal plants. BASF provides sodium nitrate in various grades, all meeting the unique performance of on purpose, synthetically-produced sodium nitrate. Sodium nitrite is used for the production of diazo compounds and as a component of hydronic salts.
  • Why should you choose BASF sodium nitrate?
  • When you opt for synthetic sodium nitrate and nitrite from BASF, you are guaranteed best-in-class purity and reliability. With technical grades formulated for concentrated solar power or advanced industrial explosives, and food grades helping food safety and preservation, BASF's salts help you enhance your products and processes.
  • What are the characteristics of sodium nitrite?
  • Characteristics Sodium Nitrite is an odorless, free-flowing granular product that is food grade and pale straw-colored. It is soluble in water upon heating, and is stable in neutral or alkaline solutions, but decomposes in acid solutions. It has a melting point of 519.98 degrees Fahrenheit (271.1 degrees Celsius), and a specific gravity of 2.168.
  • What is sodium nitrite used for in glucocorticoid receptor complex?
  • Format: 4 x Palmes-type diffusion tubes spiked with sodium nitrite as a surrogate for Nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Sodium molybdate is used as source of molybdate and it is often used in the form of Sodium molybdate dihydrate. It inactivated both the active and inactive form of the gluco corticoid receptor complex in murine models.
  • What is Archem sodium nitrate used for?
  • ArChem Sodium nitrate, an alkali metal salt, is a white and crystalline solid in appearance. This substance is used as a fertilizer in agriculture due to its high solubility and its high nitrogen content. Sodium nitrate is used in the glass and potter industry.

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