high performance jayflex dinp sds-Pro-Blinds South Korea

  • high performance jayflex dinp sds-Pro-Blinds South Korea
  • high performance jayflex dinp sds-Pro-Blinds South Korea
  • high performance jayflex dinp sds-Pro-Blinds South Korea
  • Is jayflex DINP plasticizer safe?
  • Jayflex DINP plasticizer is safe for use: It is not carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction category 1 or 2. It does not fulfill the criteria of a substance having endocrine-disrupting properties. Discover technical details and specifications for Jayflex DINP plasticizer.
  • What makes jayflex a good plasticizer?
  • Jayflex DINP and DIDP show superior performance in the key requirements for a general purpose plasticizer. Jayflex plasticizers exhibit low volatile losses and high gelation, are cost competitive, are available globally and have a longstanding record of safety in use and wide toxicological review.
  • What are the advantages of jayflex DIDP plasticizer?
  • 56K-A-ST 5 phrGoodlow-temperature performanceAt equivalent hardness, Jayflex DIDP plasticizer provides improved low-tempe rature properties, retained ove 53 phr,Low fogging for automotive applicationsEvaporation of plasticizers from ca interior components can contribute to fogging. Typical a

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