high purity The Facts about DEHP/DOP

  • high purity The Facts about DEHP/DOP
  • high purity The Facts about DEHP/DOP
  • high purity The Facts about DEHP/DOP
  • How does DEHP affect your health?
  • Workers in factories that make or use DEHP also breathe in higher-than-average levels of this compound. DEHP also can enter your body during certain medical procedures, and medical exposures are likely to be greater than any environmental exposures.
  • How do you get DEHP?
  • You can be exposed to DEHP through air, water, or skin contact with plastics that have DEHP in them. Food may also contain DEHP, but it is not certain how much. It is not clear, but it is likely that a little DEHP is transferred by skin contact with plastic clothing or other articles that contain DEHP.
  • How reliable is DEHP data?
  • Reliable, relevant and adequate measured data for emissions is only available for a limited number of sites using DEHP (representing less than 5% of the total DEHP use).
  • Where does DEHP come from?
  • Most DEHP that enters your body in food, water, or air is taken up into the blood from the intestines and lungs. DEHP can be introduced directly into your bloodstream if you get a blood transfusion, receive medicines through flexible plastic tubing, or have dialysis treatments.
  • How does DEHP enter a patient's blood?
  • The plastic tubing used for kidney dialysis frequently contains DEHP and causes DEHP to enter the patient's blood. DEHP also is present in the plastic tubing of respirators and is carried from it to the lungs. 1.4 HOW CAN DEHP ENTER AND LEAVE MY BODY?
  • Is DEHP harmful to humans?
  • Rats and mice appear to be particularly sensitive to some of the effects of DEHP. Thus, because certain animal models may not apply to humans, it is more difficult to predict some of the health effects of DEHP in humans using information from these studies. Breathing DEHP does not appear to have serious harmful effects.

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