hot sale DINP Archives-The Chemical Company Germany

  • hot sale DINP Archives-The Chemical Company Germany
  • hot sale DINP Archives-The Chemical Company Germany
  • hot sale DINP Archives-The Chemical Company Germany
  • How many companies manufacture or import DINP?
  • According to the 2016 Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) database, 28 companies manufactured or imported DINP at 37 sites for reporting year 2015. Table 2-2 presents the company information and manufacture and import information where available. Table 2-2 does not represent all of the facilities potentially manufacturing or using DINP.
  • What data did European DINP producers provide?
  • Three European DINP producers covering 90% of the European production capacity (EU27) delivered site-specific data for processes under their operational control. The upstream supply chain up to the precur-sors was modelled based on data from literature as well as GaBi 6 database.
  • Which data sources were used in the data collection of DINP?
  • The main data source was a primary data collection from European producers of DINP, providing site-specific gate-to-gate production data for processes under operational control of the participating com-panies: three DINP producers with three plants in two different European countries.
  • What products contain DINP?
  • Table 2-5 lists multiple plastic and PVC-related products, including jackets, polyurethane pigments, sheets, splines, top coating, and vinyl shower pan liner. Expected users are unknown due to the limited availability of information. Table 2-5 lists multiple printing ink products that contain DINP.
  • How much is DINP produced a year?
  • From reporting years 2006 to 2015, aggregate production volume for DINP was between 100 million and 250 million lbs. The exact amount is available for one year, 2011, in which 108,497,785 lbs. of DINP was produced or imported. National production volume under CAS RN 68515-48-0 has remained relatively stagnant over time.
  • Is DINP a food additive?
  • Danish EPA identified use of DINP in “slimy” (e.g. sticky animals), soft, and rubber toys; erasers; and in toys and childcare products made from foam plastic. NLM’s HSDB identifies use of this chemical in toys. FDA reports use of DINP as an indirect food additive used in food contact substances.

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