industrial dublin plasticizer manufacturer Serbia

  • industrial dublin plasticizer manufacturer Serbia
  • industrial dublin plasticizer manufacturer Serbia
  • industrial dublin plasticizer manufacturer Serbia
  • Who is Balkan plastics company?
  • Our company and production plant Balkan plastics company is based in Subotica, Serbia. Our group is one of the biggest manufacturers of solid polucarbonate sheets, twinwall (multi-wall) polycarbonate sheets and profiles. Polycarbonate has the advantage to be highly impact resistant and has higher insulating properties than glass.
  • Who is Plastik Gogi?
  • The world-famous auditing company Ernst & Young nominated Mr. Slobodan Gogić, director of the company, for the selection of Entrepreneur of the Year in 2015. Plastik Gogić will continue to develop its business in the future, taking care of employees, environmental protection and satisfying partners who have enabled us to be where we are.
  • Who is Blik product Ltd?
  • Blik Produkt Ltd is the company that rounds up all segments of the flexible packaging production, which makes the creation and production of complete solutions in the packaging industry possible. We are using the modern machines, the raw materials of world famous manufacturers and we are working with professionals who have decades of experience.
  • What is Kruik - Plastika?
  • „KruÅ¡ik - plastika“ uses high density polyetylene (HDPE) and polypropylene (PP) for the production of plasic tanks. With forty years of experience in production and implementation of the latest standards in the design „KruÅ¡ik-plastika“ produces the highest quality plastic tanks in Serbia and the region.

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