Polymeric Plasticizers-Advances in Chemistry (ACS Publications)

  • Polymeric Plasticizers-Advances in Chemistry (ACS Publications)
  • Polymeric Plasticizers-Advances in Chemistry (ACS Publications)
  • Polymeric Plasticizers-Advances in Chemistry (ACS Publications)
  • How does a plasticizer affect a polymer?
  • In the gel theory the polymer is considered as a gel with noncovalent attraction points (governed by e.g. van der Waals forces and hydrogen bonds) located along adjacent chains, and the main effect of the plasticizer addition is to push/move the attraction points further apart to increase mobility in the polymer system.
  • Do plasticizers increase polymers' flexibility at room temperature?
  • Disentanglement of CA chains is favored at higher plasticizer content under extensional flow, yielding lower melt strength and higher melt extensibility . These observations confirm that plasticizers increase polymers' flexibility at room temperature and can be used as processing aids.
  • What makes a polymeric plasticizer a more migration-resistant plasticizer?
  • A more migration-resistant polymeric plasticizer that also better preserved its material properties during aging was obtained by combining a low degree of branching, hydrolysis-protecting end-groups, and higher molecular weight. Messori M, Toselli M, Pilati F, Fabbri E, Fabbri P, Pasquali L, Nannarone S (2004) Polymer 45:805
  • Can plasticizers reduce material degradation over time?
  • The design of new plasticizers compatible with the polymer at high concentrations, tailored to be effective in lowering the glass transition temperature, and with a low tendency to migration could considerably reduce material degradation over time.
  • Does adding a plasticizer increase the free volume of polymer chains?
  • Adding a plasticizer, increases the free volume available by enabling increased motions in the polymer chains thus lowering the Tg.
  • Do opaque films have a compatibility between plasticizer and polymer?
  • Opaque films usually reveal scarce compatibility between the plasticizer and the polymer : butyl chains increase apolarity of the plasticizer molecule and decrease the affinity with CA.

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