Superplasticizers in Concrete-Building Research Institute

  • Superplasticizers in Concrete-Building Research Institute
  • Superplasticizers in Concrete-Building Research Institute
  • Superplasticizers in Concrete-Building Research Institute
  • Are superplasticizers used in concrete?
  • wa, ON, Canada on the use of superplasticizers in concrete. Sele ted papers from the conference were published as ACI SP-62.In 1981, CANMET again in association with the ACI, sponsored a second three-day International conferenc in Ottawa on the use of the superplasticizers in concrete.
  • Why are superplasticizers important in the construction industry?
  • The advancement of superplasticizers is considered a significant innovation in the construction sector, which has facilitated the creation of high-quality concrete. The construction industry has a pressing need for the development of high-performance concrete.
  • Who invented superplasticizers for concrete?
  • T. Hirata, Cover story: Highlight reviews superplasticizers for concrete which were originally invented in Japan. Kobunshi 65 (7), 357–359 (2016) A. Lange, J. Plank, Optimization of comb-shaped polycarboxylate cement dispersants to achieve fast-flowing mortar and concrete. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 132 (37), 1–3 (2015)
  • Are PCE superplasticizers a breakthrough in modern concrete technology?
  • This invention clearly represents a major breakthrough and milestone in modern concrete technology. In this review article, at first Dr. Hirata – the main inventor of PCE superplasticizers – reports on the history behind their invention and market entry. Thereafter, recent developments and innovations in PCE technology are presented.
  • Can superplasticizers reduce energy consumption in concrete?
  • Several studies have indicated that the utilization of superplasticizers in concrete can result in a reduction of cement consumption and carbon intensity. This, in turn, has the potential to decrease both energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions [230, 231].
  • How do superplasticizers affect the workability of concrete?
  • Superplasticizers directly influence the workability of concrete, and certain factors are considered such as type of admixture, time of addition, addition sequence, mixing time, dosage, w/b ratio, and amount/nature of binder. The dosage between 0.6 to 2% by weight of cement resulted in minimal retardation.

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